Cops on 'roids present big problems
Lately the sports world water calmed down, just in time for the political storms to blow in. However, another group of roid users -- law enforcement -- now grabs the headlines. (see companion story on federal authorities looking at cops on 'roids)The Tennessee Highway Patrol announced an investigation of THP troopers engaged in steroid use or trafficking.
A Michigan grand jury indicted four policemen and a biker for a steroids trafficking ring in the Detroit area.The Tennessee Highway Patrol is investigating allegations of troopers using or selling steroids, a spokesman says.
Mike Browning said Monday night an internal investigation is under way into the accusations.
"It's based on allegations that came to us," he said. "We take it seriously."
A similar investigation at the Metro Nashville Police Department led to temporary disciplinary action this year against three officers, who were stripped of their badges and guns.
Four police officers and a member of the Highwaymen Motorcycle Club (HMG) have been indicted by a federal grand jury in Detroit on charges ranging from lying to federal agents, lying to a grand jury, and committing various drug offenses.
In addition, a formal criminal complaint was filed against Detroit area attorney Lee O’Brien for lying to federal agents. All charges arose from an FBI investigation that resulted in the indictment of over forty HMG members and associates last year.
David Tomlan, a Garden City police officer, was brought to the attention of the FBI by the Garden City Police Department after they discovered he had become an HMG member. Tomlan’s employment with the police department has since been terminated.
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