Monday, November 15, 2010

Christians NOT Jews Are God’s Chosen People!

Christians NOT Jews Are God’s Chosen People!

By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright © 2008

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JEWS HAVE BEGUILED Zionist-Christians into believing that they, the Jews, are God’s “chosen people.”
Jews tell Zionist-Christians that when God said to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless thee,” that He would withhold His blessings upon Christians unless they support Israel! How utterly unbiblical!
Are Christians to bless the murderers and blasphemers of Jesus Christ?
St John the Baptist did not teach an unconditional blessing upon the Jews when he rebuked them, saying, “Do not say you have Abraham for your father, for God is able to raise up from these stones sons of Abraham.” (Matthew 3).
St Peter did not teach an unconditional blessing upon the Jews when he rebuked them, saying, “You crucified the Lord of glory and must repent and be baptized.” (Acts 2).

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